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Nearly a hundred years have passed since the ship "Philadelphia" was burned. But the brave sailors who did it will never be forgotten.

The people of Tripoli in Africa were pirates. They took the ships of other nations at sea. They made slaves of their prisoners. The friends of these slaves sometimes sent money to buy their freedom. Some countries paid money to these pirates to let their ships go safe.

Our country had trouble with the pirates. This trouble brought on a war. Our ships were sent to fight against Tripoli.

One of the ships fighting against the pirates was called the "Philadelphia." One day she was chasing a ship of Tripoli. The "Philadelphia" ran on the rocks. The sailors could not get her off. The pirates came and fought her as she lay on the rocks. They took her men prisoners. Then they went to work to get her off. After a long time, they got her into deep water. They took her to Tripoli. Our ships could not go there after her, because there were so many great cannons on the shore near the ship.

The pirates got the "Philadelphia" ready to go to sea. They loaded her cannons. They meant to slip out past our ships of war. Then they would take a great many smaller American ships.

But the Americans laid a plan to burn the "Philadelphia." It was a very dangerous thing to try to do. The pirates had ships of war near the "Philadelphia." They had great guns on the shore. There was no way to do it in the daytime. It could only be done by stealing into the Bay of Tripoli at night.

The Americans had taken a little vessel from the pirates. She was of the kind that is called a ketch. She had sails. She also had long oars. When there was no wind to sail with, the sailors could row her with the oars.

This little ketch was sent one night to burn the "Philadelphia." The captain of this boat was Stephen Decatur. He was a young man, and very brave.

Decatur made his men lie down, so that the pirates would not know how many men he had on his ketch. Only about ten men were in sight. The rest were lying hidden on the boat.

They came near to the "Philadelphia." It was about ten o'clock at night. The pirates called to them. The pilot of the ketch told them that he was from Malta. He told them that he had come to sell things to the people of Tripoli. He said that the ketch had lost her anchor. He asked them to let him tie her to the big ship till morning.

The pirates sent out a rope to them. But when the ketch came nearer, the pirates saw that they had been fooled. They cried out, "Americans, Americans!"

Then the Americans lying down took hold of the rope and pulled with all their might, and drew the ketch close to the ship. They were so close, that the ship's cannons were over their heads. The pirates could not fire at them.

The men who had been lying still now rose up. There were eighty of them. In a minute, they were scrambling up the sides of the big ship. Some went in one way, some another. They did not shoot. They fought with swords and pikes, or short spears.

Soon they drove the pirates to one side of the ship. Then they could hear the pirates jumping over into the water. In a few minutes the pirates had all gone.

But the Americans could not stay long. They must burn the ship before the pirates on the shore should find out what they were doing.

They had brought a lot of kindling on the ketch. They built fires in all parts of the ship. The fire ran so fast, that some of the men had trouble to get off the ship.

When the Americans got back on the ketch, they could not untie the rope that held the ketch to the ship. The big ship was bursting into flames. The ketch would soon take fire.

They took swords and hacked the big rope in two. Then they pushed hard to get away from the fire. The ketch began to move. The sailors took the large oars and rowed. They were soon safe from the fire.

All this they had done without any noise. But, now that they had got away, they looked back. The fire was shooting up toward the sky. The men stopped rowing, and they gave three cheers. They were so glad, that they could not help it.

By this time the pirates on shore had waked up. They began to fire great cannon balls at the little ketch. One of the balls went through her sails. Ah! how the sailors rowed!

The whole sky was now lighted up by the fire. The pirates' cannons were thundering. The cannon balls were splashing the water all around the ketch. But the Americans got away. At last, they were safe in their own ships.


Study the lesson for one week.

Over the week:

  • Read the story multiple times.
  • Review the synopsis.
  • Study the vocabulary words.
  • Learn the concepts.
  • Complete the enrichment activities.
  • Study the review questions.


The pirates of Tripoli captured the Philadelphia, an American ship, and sailed her to Tripoli. Other American ships could not recapture the Philadelphia, because the pirates had many warships and cannons on the shores of Tripoli. The Americans did not want the pirates to have the Philadelphia, because the pirates could use it to sneak past American warships. Since the Americans could not take the Philadelphia by force, they took her by stealth. Stephen Decatur captained a small ketch of 80 men. They rowed the ketch quietly and hid 70 of the men to look less threatening. When they neared the Philadelphia and the pirates asked who they were, the Americans pretended to be merchants with wares to sell in Tripoli. The Americans claimed they had lost their anchor and asked to tie their ketch to the Philadelphia. The Americans quietly attacked the pirates, drove the pirates off the Philadelphia, and set fire to the ship. Mission accomplished, the Americans retreated in their ketch to their ships.


Tripoli: The capital of the Northern African country of Libya.
Prisoner: A person captured and kept confined by an enemy.
Ketch: A small sailboat that can be rowed.
Anchor: A heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to hold a vessel in one place on the sea bottom.
Kindling: Small sticks or twigs used for starting a fire.
Masts: Tall posts holding up the sails on a ship.


In the story, the Americans boarded and destroyed the Philadelphia using stealth and deception.

  1. Stealth is a quiet, a secret, or a clever way of acting or moving, often so that someone or something can blend in, go unnoticed, and not draw attention.
  2. Deception gives others a mistaken impression or causes others to believe something that is not true.


Activity 1: Narrate the Story

  • After reading or listening to the story, narrate the story events aloud using your own words.

Activity 2: Color the Story   

  • Click the crayon above, and complete page 30 of 'History Coloring Pages for First Grade.'

Activity 3: Study the Story Picture

Study the picture below. Zoom in to see the details and find the following:

  • American Sailors
  • Ketch Sails
  • Ketch Oars
  • Ketch Masts
  • Philadelphia Sails
  • Philadelphia Cannons
  • Philadelphia Masts
  • Fire
  • Fire Reflection
  • Smoke

Activity 4: Map the Story

  • In the chapter, pirates captured the Philadelphia, an American ship, and sailed her to Tripoli. Tripoli is the capital city of the country of Libya on the continent of Africa. Find Libya on the map below.
  • Where is the continent of Europe in relation to Libya? Find it on the map.
  • Find the countries of France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Russia.


Question 1

How were Decatur and his men stealthy?
1 / 4

Answer 1

They rowed quietly and did not use loud guns to attack the pirates.
1 / 4

Question 2

Why was it important that Decatur and his men were stealthy?
2 / 4

Answer 2

They did not want to alert nearby pirates on shore or other ships, that had weapons and cannons.
2 / 4

Question 3

How did Decatur and his men use deception to trick the pirates?
3 / 4

Answer 3

They pretended to be merchants on their way to sell goods in Tripoli.
3 / 4

Question 4

Why did Decatur set fire to the Philadelphia?
4 / 4

Answer 4

They could not take her back, and they did not want the pirates to use her to sneak past warships.
4 / 4

  1. How were Decatur and his men stealthy? They rowed quietly and did not use loud guns to attack the pirates.
  2. Why was it important that Decatur and his men were stealthy? They did not want to alert nearby pirates on shore or other ships, that had weapons and cannons.
  3. How did Decatur and his men use deception to trick the pirates? They pretended to be merchants on their way to sell goods in Tripoli.
  4. Why did Decatur set fire to the Philadelphia? They could not take her back, and they did not want the pirates to use her to sneak past warships.